What is PER ?

This report represents the overall performance of a teacher in PEC/Board results including conduct, character, and capabilities. These reports should be maintained and initiated by the teacher every year whether he is on a contract or permanent bases.



Open link of HRMIS.


Step : 1.

Applicant 1st login with valid Credential. User Name and Password

Step : 2.

Go to P.E.R/ACR Tab. For apply click on Add button on right.

Step : 3.

Fill all form and then submit.

Step : 4.

To check the status of P.E.R/ACR. Now waiting for DEO approval and comments.


Step : 1.

Now DEO Login with valid credential User Name & Password. Click on reporting person. All information

of the applicant display in line listing. To check the teacher initial submission click on show Detail.

Step : 2.

To check the Teacher initial submission click on show Detail. To add evaluation of teacher click on add

evaluation. Fill all form and submit.


Step : 1.

Now CEO Login with valid credential.

Step : 2.

Go to P.E.R/ACR Tab. Go to action in Line listing. Click on counter signing evaluation.


Step: 1.

Click on Add evaluation by counter signing officer.

Step: 2.

Fill all form and accept.

P.E.R /ACR MODULE FOR “CEO & Teacher ”

CEO Login:-

CEO interface after verified the teacher PER Form

Teacher Login

Interface after verification by the counter signing officer of PER form

Why Performance Evaluation Report (PER) Needed?

These reports accumulatively will be needed when a teacher needs an increment, promotion, upward mobility, upgrading, or when he needs to be permanent.

Color code of Annual Confidential Report (ACR)

For BPS-1 to BPS-15, these reports color PINK while for BPS-16 to above these reports color GREEN.

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Parts of ACR/PER

There are different parts in the ACR and the employee has to fill only the 1st part. The other parts to be filled by reporting and countersigning officers.


  • If you are a SESE Math, you will write the report of the previous year from dates 01-01-2017 to 31-12-2017.
  • If you are on contract for some period of the year and then become permanent, then you have to write 2 separate ACRs for both periods. For example, you were on contract from 01-01-2017 to 12-07-2017 and become permanent on 13-07-2017 then there will be 2 reports for the said periods.
  • The minimum period for ACR to be submitted is 3 months i.e. if you have joined on the 15th of the 10th month of the year, then there will be no ACR for that period.
  • You can add any of the suggestions in ACR in the first part.
  • Employees have to submit the ACR to the reporting before the end of January.
  • Do the signature at the end with the last date of the year.

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Khizar Warsi

CEO of Warsi e Services

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